Friday, February 4, 2011

Cheap thrills - shaving the cat

Now this may seem a strange occupation but one that is becoming increasingly common in our house. Mr Pink has long grey fur that he drags through the haybarns, through the mole hills, through the coppice and then around all over Brendan's oily tools. In short, he is a complete grubber (how very appropriate for Brendan, as it is his cat after all).

About once a month when the fur on his belly has gathered into impressive rasfarian dreadlocks we shave them off. This month we have had to shave all the way down to his delicate gentlemen's bits and all the way up to his throat. (You can just see on the photo the shaved bits under his chin).

Unlike most cats - he really enjoys it. In fact if you look closely above, he has his tongue stuck out in pleasure as the buzzer runs over his belly. The cat is a buzz freak.

Ferguson is following in his footsteps - he is cultivating his own rasga dreads in his armpits as we speak. He had his first shaving last night. Lying on his back next to Mr Pink purring his head off. Freaks.
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Damn The Broccoli said...

Oddly enough this is the second tale of shaving cats that I have heard in two days.

The other involves a zoo vet, a farm, a ferral Persian rescue cat and a tranquiliser gun.

It made me laugh that's for sure.

As an aside, I love the syncronicity of things, the captcha for this comment is very nearly Greebo!

louisa @ TheReallyGoodLife said...

We've got a similar wild activity planned for this evening - shaving the dog. We've let her keep her fluff as insulation over the winter - just combing out the dreads - but the stink is approached critical levels so it's time for an action-packed Friday night for us all.

She doesn't love it - she seems bored by it and just falls asleep. Wish I could do that when I'm getting my hair cut - save all the awkward small talk.

resa said...

We currently have short haired cats so shaving isn't a big issue for us, but occasionally we have to trim the hindquarters of the fosters before they get the hang of grooming themselves and never once have they seemed to enjoy it.

Wish they would. Seeing the two of us being defeated by creatures that aren't even a pound yet is pretty said.

Absinthe Fairy said...

There is nothing as viscious as a feral kitten - we have taken in several over our time here and they really are just a ball of fluff with extremely sharp teeth and claws attached - and very quick to use them to draw blood too.